Living Benefits

Life Insurance you don’t have to die to use.
For many years, insurance was purchased to provide death benefit protection for surviving family members. However, insurance did not help when an insured was struck down by a debilitating Critical, Chronic, or Terminal illness. Many companies offer you the potential to access part of your life insurance death benefit in the event you suffer a qualifying illness and may not be able to work.

Accelerated Benefit Riders provide living benefit options for no additional premium!

Accelerated Benefits Riders for Critical, Chronic, and Terminal illness may provide you a full acceleration of your life insurance policy or a partial benefit that will allow you to keep the remainder of your policy. Multiple partial benefits are available if a partial benefit is taken.

For example, if 25% of the death benefit is accelerated, 75% of the death benefit would remain and could be accessed later, if needed. The partial or full accelerated death benefit may be paid in a lump sum or applied to an annuity that will provide income for a specified period.

Is this something you already have?
Is this something you would like to learn more about?​

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(737) 232-2265

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