Video Resources

Video Resources

The Power of Zero: The Tax Train Is Coming is a major Hollywood documentary film with an all-star cast (George Schultz, Ph.D., David Walker, CPA, Ed Slott, CPA, Tom Hegna, Van Mueller, David McKnight, et al) that takes an in-depth look at how the U.S. National Debt is setting the stage for massive tax increases within the next 10 years and how they’ll impact a retiring generation of Baby Boomers.

This is the first movie ever to explore our nation’s looming debt crisis and the proactive measures Baby Boomers can take to protect their retirement plans from the crush of higher taxes. This PG-rated film played in theaters nationwide in the Fall of 2018.

If you would like to see the full movie let us know!

An expose of America’s retirement experiment, ‘The Baby Boomer Dilemma’ takes a deep dive into Pensions (both corporate and public), Social Security, 401(k), and Annuities. It features the nation’s top economists on retirement and retirement income that include Nobel Prize-winning economists, and world-renowned economists from MIT, Stanford, Wharton, Berkely, York, and BYU. Government leaders over trusts include Congressmen, Trustees, SEC whistle-blowers, the “Father of the 401(k)” and the 2019 President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as well as industry competitive intelligence experts and authors. This is the first MPA-rated film that looks at retirement income.

A 35-minute Documentary by Front line on
The Retirement Gamble, America’s Retirement Crisis!!

There’s a HOLE in your 401k bucket!!
If you knew there were up to 17 HIDDEN fees eating up 70% of your profits, what would you do? Listen to this short 3-minute video and then contact us!

How to add Jet fuel to your retirement planning by eliminating Taxes and reducing Risks and Fees.
Let’s Discover a way to ELIMINATE taxes!
Listen in as Ed Slott, CPA and Nationally renowned speaker on tax strategies, tells you about the top strategies to ELIMINATE Taxes!!
The Dire Consequences of having your 401k in the market when a downturn in the market occurs.
Tax Free Retirement Video
Red Line Blue Line – Spanish Version
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(737) 232-2265

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