Spending Planner: Most people don’t track their money or their spending. This form helps people become aware of where their hard-earned dollars are going. By filling in this form your client will become aware of their money habits and how they tie into their financial goals. Keep in mind this is another area to display great empathy. No judgement here, just …
Simple Needs Analysis
Simple Needs Analysis: At the end of most life insurance applications is the agent report. One question that every agent is required to answer is “How was the death benefit of the life insurance application determined?” Some even actually ask was a needs analysis performed. Therefore, the needs analysis is a critical tool in every agent’s toolbox. Please download this form and work …
The 5 M’s
The AJF 5 M’s: At the core of any successful business is its knowledge of its client profile. AJF has found the people who are Married, Mortgaged, have Mouths to feed, are Motivated and yes make Money are our best prospects. For you the agent we recommend that you initially print out a number of copies of this sheet. Go through your contacts in your cell …
Get Upside Potential of the Market Without any Downside Risk
Learn how to NEVER lose money when the market goes down! Join us for a webinar this Tuesday or Thursday at 7:30 PM EDT Invest like the wealthy where you participate in market gains, but are GUARANTEED to never lose when the market drops. Topics you will learn: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining …
Become The Bank Webinar
Becoming the BANK! Join us for a webinar this Tuesday or Thursday at 7:30 PM EDT . Are you’re going to have a great retirement, or do you have some doubts? What if we could show you how to pay off ALL of your debts, including a 30 year mortgage in 9 years or less without spending more money than you’re …